maybe you should give up on your egocentric mind. you're always so caught up on your feelings, your fears and hopes, and you're your own eminent tragedy. but you forgot: we all live tragic lives! and for every tragedy, someone always has or had it worse. open up! see the things from a more cosmic perspective. just let things happen sometimes, just let them come and let them go, it is so much more natural to allow your surroundings.

it's an illusion to think that you have it bad! stop pitying yourself! believe in yourself in the same way that you believe in reality! you exist as much as anything else and that's enough.

my mother always pities herself. there is this type of person that sees itself as the victim of the world and everyone, at the same time though, secretly, worships itself. you are not the center!

i honestly don't know how to describe this feeling i'm having right now. i want you to feel that right now, i want you to understand. it is such a liberating feeling to be part of something bigger, something you don't understand, something to give up to. not entirely! know the balance! everything in moderation. including egoism. just: have a sense of your self and your surrounding. of when you're too full of yourself or lack identity.